The OOAA architecture studio, founded in 2011 and directed by the talented architect Iker Ochotorena, has become a leading name in the world of architecture. Based in San Sebastian, this multidisciplinary company has brought together a team of experts in architecture and interior design to carry out residential and commercial projects that are renowned worldwide.

Image 1 – Iker Ochotorena
The OOAA philosophy is based on the premise that each project is unique and is influenced by both its environment and the client’s aspirations. The search for depth and meaning in each design is the studio’s hallmark: approached with unwavering dedication and passion.
OOAA carefully carves out volumes and spaces in its creations, using meticulously selected geometries, lines and flows. The selection of fine materials and the attention to detail translate to an architecture that exudes serenity and warmth, where light plays a fundamental role and people find refuge and emotion.
At The Decorative Surfaces, we immerse ourselves in the history of the OOAA architectural studio. We set out on an in-depth exploration of their exciting journey and explore their thrilling architectural focus.
Your work is characterised by simplicity – what is your inspiration and what message do you try to convey with the creation of these spaces?
Simplicity isn’t something we think about, it’s not on our minds; once we create an empty space, we step back, because for us, the empty space is already full. What is it full of? Expression. Thinking about emptiness really appeals to us. Emptiness shouldn’t be confused with nothingness.
How would you define your architectural style?
Natural, human, tactile and full of expression, with special attention given to proportions (both filled and empty) and everything that is touched.

Image 2 – Paseo de la Habana project
As part of your work, you value empty spaces. What does this concept mean to you?
Empty space is understood as what lies in between, what separates, the vacancy of a space, the gap. As opposed to minimalism, which refers to the sum of few things.
How do you work on the relationship between aesthetics and functionality in your projects?
The relationship is all-encompassing. Architecture cannot be understood without functionality. What’s more, we believe that the most underrated function is creating soul – a visual well-being. Happiness is partly provided by the beauty of things, the composition, the calmness. It’s a spiritual function.
Do you believe that architecture and design can contribute to people’s well-being?
We are surrounded by architecture, by urbanism … Just imagine how it affects us. In it, you can be happy or unhappy.

Image 3 – Paseo de los Parques project
Is environmental sustainability a fundamental aspect in your work?
Certainly not in the way it is currently understood. Good architecture will always address reason and will, therefore, contribute to its possible self-sustainability, within its limits.
Bearing in mind the current societal dynamic, do you think that architecture will undergo a radical change?
In terms of the essence of architecture, no, it will remain as it has been since ancient times. If we understand the essence to be space, light, mass and emptiness … Now, the modernisation of architecture will lie in the digitalisation of living spaces, but it will maintain its essence, which is what makes a home.
Has the arrival of new technology in homes influenced your work?
In terms of comfort, yes; but in the essence of our projects, no. For example, layouts are the same as they were 50 years ago, because where the sun rises and sets doesn’t change.
OOAA pursues timeless, simple architecture, optimising both natural and economic resources to offer architectural solutions that transcend contemporary trends. The work of Iker Ochotorena and his team pays testament to their commitment to creating spaces that are not only functional, but are also true works of architectural art.
What part of your work are you most proud of?
Constructing walls that I have drawn.
OOAA pursues timeless, simple architecture, optimising both natural and economic resources to offer architectural solutions that transcend contemporary trends. The work of Iker Ochotorena and his team pays testament to their commitment to creating spaces that are not only functional, but are also true works of architectural art.