COMPAC 0 0 Architecture 4 June, 2021 Asian connections through COMPAC design Shanghai becomes the beating heart of design as one of the most prestigious international fairs…Read More
COMPAC 0 0 Architecture 21 May, 2021 Architectural introspection through elevation Atoms, in their natural state, have the same number of protons as electrons. Nonetheless, the…Read More
COMPAC 0 4 Interviews 7 May, 2021 Hyunsoo Kim and Seongbeom Mo (MoKim): “There is still a way to connect the city to naturecon” opened their studio MoKim in 2019 after they have benefit themselves with over ten years…Read More
COMPAC 0 0 Architecture 30 April, 2021 The experimental maxim: materials that become signifiers The need for commercial structures to establish a direct link to the concept of the…Read More
COMPAC 0 0 Architecture 23 April, 2021 Cinematic languages: where imagine connects to reality through architecture Being present is a human activity conditioned by the concept we have of what surrounds…Read More
COMPAC 0 0 Architecture 16 April, 2021 Temples of fashion: the shining crossover between the worlds of architecture and luxury fashion When it comes to architecture, any doubts about its ability to interlace all its constituent…Read More
COMPAC 0 0 Materials 1 April, 2021 The sublime symbiosis of brick architecture Versatility and tradition make for overwhelming symbiosis in the construction material par excellence: brick. It…Read More
COMPAC 0 1 Interviews 26 March, 2021 María Santos: ‘Stone is a key element in our ongoing search for timeless spaces’ María Santos made a childhood pastime into her passion. She founded her own studio in…Read More
COMPAC 0 1 Architecture 5 March, 2021 Biophilic architecture: the sublime connection between architecture and nature Just as Land Art used natural settings as a bridge to design, biophilic architecture is…Read More
COMPAC 0 0 Architecture 26 February, 2021 Recycling architecture: the before and after of unique architectural adaptations Undertaking a project from the foundations up represents a fascinating challenge for any architect. However,…Read More